News- Snowbreeze 2.9.14 is now available - Apple Store,Karachi ,Price in Pakistan, Laptops , iPad , iPod Karachi
News- Snowbreeze 2.9.14 is now available

Here’s an astonishing news for all jailbreakers that the latest version of snowbreeze is now ready to be downloaded which will allows user to jailbreak their A4-powered iDevices under iOS 6.1.3.Right away, Apple’s iOS 6.1.3 software update is un-jailbreakable on Apple A5-powered mobile devices, such as the iPhone 5 and iPad mini, folks can now jailbreak iOS devices that include an A4 processor under Microsoft’s Windows operating system.
If you want to make it right now, just navigate to iH8sn0w’s blog, and download sn0wbreeze for free. The snowbreeze software grants a tethered jailbreak only. Furthermore this release also supports APTicket validation and upholds iPhone’s baseband as well.
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